Member-only story
How is Fibromyalgia perceived !
Is it psychological? is it real?
My fibromyalgia pain got so bad to the point where I was not able to lift my right arm to wear my winter jacket. I had sharp pain that felt like stabbing in my right leg as well, so I decided to go visit a physiotherapist. While working on trigger points she says to me: You do know that your pain is just in your head, right?
All in my head? No. It’s in my arms, elbows, knees, legs, kneck, glutes, you name it. My neck hurts when I move in both direction, especially in the morning. My legs hurt if I walk more than usual. My arms hurt if I do laps. My shoulders are tighter than a log.
I often ignore the stabbing and burning fire in my joints, I live with it. I eat healthy, stay away from dairy products, and take nutrients to reduce inflammation. However; I am convinced inflammation and my body have developed a good bond, but how come there are days where the pain is just so intolerable?
Fibromyalgia is a collection of symptoms caused by chronic inflammation that affect more than one organ and system.
“Many of those with fibromyalgia are afraid that the culture does not believe that fibromyalgia is a real disease. They are afraid people will label them as…